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I am Ms. Tammy J. Sills and I will have the pleasure of teaching your child this year. This will be my fourth year at Liberty and they have been the best years of my teaching career. I have been working with children for over twenty-eight years. I have been a teacher’s aide, substitute, owned and operated my own child care facility, an early childhood intervention specialist, and a teacher. I have taught fourth grade, third grade, first grade, per-k, and kindergarten. My world is my family and teaching. God blessed me with three lovely ladies, four grand-babies, and my pug named Angel. To be honest kindergarten has been the toughest, most rewarding grade level I have taught. I will need support from all of my families. It is my belief that a child’s success is based on a cooperative parent/teacher relationship. I look forward to working with you throughout the year. Your involvement, interest, and enthusiasm will make this a wonderful year of growth for you and your child.
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There will be a weekly newsletter sent home. Students also receive a school newsletter at the beginning of each month.

Please, please make sure that your child has a change of clothes at all times in their backpack.

School Wide Expectations


  1. Be Prepared
  2. Act Responsibly
  3. Work Hard
  4. Show Respect


All the classroom expectations  lead to the above.

  • Follow directions quickly.
  • Raise your hand for permission to speak.
  • Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
  • Make smart choices.
  • Keep your teacher happy! 🙂 

It is important for Home Folders to return to school every day! I have to admit that there are some days that they do not go home. When this occurs its usually because there isn't anything to send home or that I need to update a few things in your child's folder.

Parent Expectations

Kindergarten students are so eager to learn and even more eager to share. It only takes at least 10 minutes a day to review the work and the information in your child's folder...I have witnessed so many of my little friends' spirits cruised because  they didn't have anyone willing to share their time. Read with your child, talk with your child, and snuggle with your child. You'd be amazed how much they will grow  socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually if you just share some time together. 🙂

Classroom Books