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Parent Square will be used for daily communication as well as email.
Every student should have a parent connected to their Seesaw account so that you can track our progress and see our daily activities.
Classroom newsletters will be sent home weekly through Parent Square along with our school calendar with upcoming important dates.
We also work hard in and out of our classroom to follow the PAWS expectations no matter where we are.
P- Be Prepared
A- Act Responsibly
W- Work Hard
S- Show Respect
Our one classroom rule this year is:
If what you are doing interferes with learning, hurts someone's heart OR prevents you from being your best self: You shouldn't be doing it.
X-tra Math: Xtra Math is a website that we use to practice our addition and subtraction fact fluency.
Seesaw is an interactive learning platform that we will use weekly to complete online activities aligned to our curriculum.
If you need your student's log in for any of these sites, please send me an email or a message in Seesaw.